Love, Sex and Attraction

Archive for the ‘Humor’ Category

Have you ever been asked this question?  Do you have an answer for it?

A friend sent me this.

Hilarious, yet touching writing from 6 writers.  At the end of the day, the ones who are married all believe that each of their wives is their ideal woman, even though what these women are could be totally different from when they pictured it in their adolescent years.  Some lucky women!

What is it about:

The book “The sensuous dirty old man” is a short humorous guide on how to boldly but respectfully flirt with a woman.

Summary by a critic: “….. Dr. A touches on … the stare, the leer, the snicker, the snort, the fatherly squeeze, the uncle-ish tweak, and the ‘problems’: what do you say when the husband arrives? …”

Here comes a surprise:

Dr. A who authored this book is Isaac Asimov.  Yes, the greatest sci-fi writer of all times (alternative opinions are tolerated).  I’m very grateful that this book did not present itself in front of me in my teenager years.  Otherwise, young and prejudice, I would never have laid my eyes on any of his other masterpieces.  Now, older and wiser, discovery of this book has, unsurprisingly, elevated my respect for Dr. A.

Quotes from the book:

  • “Sex is dirty, if you do it right.”
  • “Don’t peep at girls — stare.”
  • (On men trying hard to not look at a young and scantily clad girl when she walks into a hardware store:)
  • “Here is a charming young lady, …, struggling with squeals of delight into an upper and lower garment … an exact 1.5 size too small.  She is then sent off to the hardware store, bashfully aware that she is pretty, and overlapping in all directions, and simply waiting for someone to take notice of her so that she might dimple and curtsy in appreciation.”

    “And what happens?  The clods don’t look at her but find themselves overwhelmingly interested in samples of wall-sockets.  What is that but a clear indication that the clods would rather plug into the wall-sockets, so to speak, than into the young lady.”

  • (On how to use touches:)
  • “… during a moment of passionate political argument at the dinner table, the hand of the man on her immediate right … came unwittingly to rest upon her own right knee. … it was when he was demonstrating … his left hand, overshooting its mark, landed on her knee.  Had the tablecloth not hidden the entire operation, she is convinced the gentleman would have noticed his mistake.”

    “The young lady in question waited a polite interval for the mistake to be corrected.  When it was not, she … whispered freezingly, ‘Sir, you are taking an unendurable liberty.  If you do not remove your hand from my knee within half an hour, I shall scream.’ “

    “It was no more than fifteen minutes, you can be sure, before the gentleman had removed his hand in some confusion.”

Book page at Amazon.

Size of body parts corresponds to number of neurons in the brain. Illustrated by Joan M.K. Tycko.

You may think your brain dedicates a significant portion of itself to your sex organ.  Surprise!

A tongue in cheek excerpt from ” The Accidental Mind” by David J. Linden

Most people who look at the sensory homunculus [pic on the left] long enough will eventually stammer out something like, “Given how sensitive the genitals are, shouldn’t they be larger?”  …  One potential explanation for the size issue hinges on the need to be more precise when we say “sensitive to touch.”  The parts of the homunculus that have huge representations (such as hands, lips, and tongue) are not merely able to detect faint sensations but can also discriminate the location of these sensations very precisely.  … The genitals, while they can easily detect faint sensations, cannot accomplish tactile form perception.  In the spirit of old-fashioned natural philosophy, you can experiment with this at home. In this way, they are somewhat like the cornea of the eye: quite sensitive to faint sensations …, but without an ability to precisely locate those sensations.